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Distance Education at Daybreak University

Methods of Instruction Delivery

Daybreak University offers the M.A. and Ph. D. in Counseling program through the three different delivery methods of instruction as follows: traditional (face-to-face) format, online format, and hybrid (face-to-face and online combined) format.

    Traditional (Face-to-Face) Format

    This delivery method allows learners and faculty to meet in person or as a group for regularly scheduled class sessions on campus. Face-to-face format can bring about synchronous student-instructor and student-student interaction.

    Online Learning Format

    Instruction is provided via the Internet and no face-to-face instruction is required. This format is a virtual classroom where course instruction, course content, and external resources such as academic links are provided to learners who are physically separated from the instructor. Instructions are provided electronically and asynchronously. Students in online courses watch and listen to lectures and complete assignments sent to them electronically. Students can always attend by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, and turning in their work on time.

    With regard to distance education, Daybreak University follows the regulation and guideline by the U.S. Department of Education as follows:
    “An institution which offers Distance Education(DE) must be able to provide documentation that it has approval to offer its DE programs/courses in each state and/or location where it has enrolled students. The institution must identify the states and/or locations where it has been approved to offer DE programs/courses or has been exempted from such approval. This requirement is based on 34 CFR §600.9. The U.S. Department of Education has provided guidance to institutions regarding compliance with the regulation.”

    Hybrid Format

    The hybrid format incorporates both face-to-face delivery and online delivery formats. The hybrid format incorporates both face-to-face delivery and online delivery formats. Students can freely choose between traditional classes and online courses for each term. This hybrid format offers advantages both from traditional classes and from online learning; namely, person to person instruction and convenient electronic learning environment.

Distance Education & Correspondence Education

The institution demonstrates that programs and courses offered via distance education and correspondence education are in compliance with the Federal definition of distance Education and correspondence Education:

    Distance Education:

    Education that uses one or more of the technologies listed to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously. The technologies may include the internet; one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices; audio conferencing; or video cassettes, DVDs, and CD-ROMs, if used in a course in conjunction with any of the technologies listed above.

    Correspondence Education:

    Education provided through one or more courses by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials, by mail or electronic transmission, including examinations on the materials, to students who are separated from the instructor; interaction between the instructor and the student is limited, is not regular and substantive, and is primarily initiated by the student; correspondence courses are typically self-paced; and correspondence education is not distance education.

    NOTE: This definition for Correspondence Education is provided to ensure that the institution’s distance education meets the definition of distance education and does not fall to the level of correspondence education. Correspondence education is not reviewed by TRACS and is not included in an institution’s scope of recognition with TRACS.

Distance Education Policy

Distance education at Daybreak University is defined as a formal educational process in which the majority of the instructional interaction occurs when student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Distance education includes computer technologies. This policy shall apply to all credit-bearing courses and programs offered through distance education by the Daybreak University.

    The following basic principles have been articulated:

  1. While the Daybreak University ensures academic freedom and wishes to encourage innovation in instruction, the faculty also has a collective responsibility to ensure the academic quality and integrity of the University’s courses, programs, and degrees. This responsibility extends to those courses and programs offered through distance education.
  2. Faculty and students have a right to know the modes of delivery and technological requirements of each course, program, and degree offered by the University. Students shall have access to this information before enrolling in a course or program.
  3. Distance education programs and courses shall be consistent with the educational mission of the University.
  4. Courses, which are offered as distance education shall provide the opportunity for substantial, personal, and timely interactions between faculty and students.
  5. Students in the distance education program shall have adequate access to library and student services.
  6. The University shall provide appropriate support services to faculty who teach distance education courses.
  7. Distance education program in the University is an optional mode of instruction. Nothing in this policy shall imply that distance education is a preferred or required mode of instruction in the school curriculum.

    Correspondence Education:

    In the curricular review process, distance education programs shall demonstrate that they provide the opportunity for substantial, personal, and timely interactions between faculty and enrolled students.

    The director of the distance education program assumes responsibility for and exercises oversight over the program, ensuring both the rigor of the courses and the quality of instruction. This includes:

  1. The selection and evaluation of formally approved adjunct and/or part-time faculty.
  2. Ensuring that the technology used suits the nature and objectives of the distance education program.
  3. Ensuring the currency of materials, courses, and program.
  4. Ensuring the integrity of student work and the credibility of the degrees and credits the University awards. It is the responsibility of the director to ensure that reasonable safeguards are in place to prevent academic dishonesty.
  5. Ownership of materials, faculty compensation, and copyright issues shall be agreed upon by the instructor and the University prior to the initial offering of a course.
  6. No individual, program, or department shall agree in a contract with any private or public entity to deliver distance education courses or programs on behalf of the University without prior approval from the university.
  7. Evaluation and Assessment

    Faculty Committee shall review all distance education courses, even if the curriculum is largely derived from existing campus-based courses and shall continue to ensure that the educational program offered through distance education is appropriate for delivery through distance education methods.

    The method of delivery for new courses shall become part of each curriculum proposal, to be reviewed under the normal curricular process.

    Any significant change in the method of delivery for existing courses or programs shall be submitted as a course change proposal, to be reviewed by the director of the distance education.

    The academic review process by the committee shall be used to evaluate the educational effectiveness of distance education courses (including assessments of student based learning outcomes, student retention, and student satisfaction), and when appropriate, determine comparability to campus-based programs. This process shall also be used to assure the conformity of distance education courses to prevailing quality standards in the field of distance education.

    A review and approval of all distance education courses, including those initially approved by the Academic Dean, shall begin immediately and conclude within two years of the implementation of this policy. This review shall follow the normal process specified in the policy file.

    The University shall maintain clear standards for satisfactory academic progress.

    The University shall ensure the completion of student evaluation of learning outcomes by duly qualified faculty, which are appropriate for use with the distance education methods used, and evaluated by duly qualified faculty.

    Facilities and Finances

    • The University standards are followed in setting course-loads per instructor and/or academic unit.
    • The program possesses or has access to the equipment and technical expertise required to deliver distance education courses and programs.
    • Any distance education program has received resource approval prior to commencing operation.

    Calendar and Course Credits

    Distance education courses will be offered according to the general University academic calendar. Courses are offered on a quarter calendar, however, if appropriate, shorter cycles are permitted with the permission of the Academic Dean.

    Final examinations will be scheduled according to the designated examination period for the quarter or cycle, unless otherwise approved by the Academic Dean.

    Daybreak University operates under a quarter hour system. For all courses bearing academic credit, “one quarter hour of credit” is, at a minimum, one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately ten to twelve weeks. For example, a 4.5 quarter-credit course would require at a minimum 45 hours of academic engagement and 90 hours of preparation for a total of 135 hours. A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute (not 60-minute) period.

    As with any transfer coursework, academic credit may be transferred from a distance education course offered by other colleges or universities that are accredited by recognized agencies.

    Course Integrity

    Distance education courses will comply with all related the University policies, including but not limited to: academic integrity, code of ethics, student code of conduct, discipline policy and policy on discrimination and harassment.

    Courses will reflect good practices relating to: Well-articulated learning goals and expectations, Course procedures (e.g. communication, assignment submission), student assessment, program and course assessment, University disciplinary policy, University policy on discrimination and harassment, and the inclusion of well-articulated learning goals, course expectations and requirements, and methods of communication with instructor, on the course syllabus.


    Student transcript for distance education courses will be handled as traditional face-to-face course. Transcripts will not reflect the modality of courses.

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    References to personal traits such as race, ethnicity, disabilities, age, and gender may be made public in accordance with the FERPA regulations.

    Instructor’s Responsibility

    Instructors in distance education program have responsibility for the quality of all program curricula. Ultimately, it is the instructor who is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the distance education offerings.

    Faculty Support Policy

    The program administrators shall ensure that:

    The Daybreak University shall employ a sufficient number of faculty to assure that (A) the institution’s response to, or evaluation of, each student lesson is returned to the student within 10 days after the lesson is received by the institution; and (B) the institution’s response to, or evaluation of, each student project or dissertation is returned to the student within the time disclosed in the catalog.

    The University shall maintain a record of the dates on which lessons, projects, and dissertations were received and responses were returned to each student.

    The University shall ensure that the materials and programs are current, well organized, designed by faculty competent in distance education technique and delivered using readily available, reliable technology.

    The University standards are followed in assigning course loads to instructors and awarding incentives to instructors teaching courses in distance education programs.

    The Academic Dean possesses or has access to equipment, software, technical/ design/ production expertise, training, and technical/administrative support for effective and proficient delivery of distance education courses and programs, including potential changes in the technology or course structure.

    The University ensures its long-range planning, budgeting, and policy development processes reflect the staffing, equipment, facilities, and other resources essential for the viability and effectiveness of distance education courses and programs.

    Faculty Support Policy

    The program administrators shall ensure that:

    1. Students have adequate access to and support in the use of appropriate library resources.
    2. Students have access to laboratories, facilities, and equipment appropriate to the courses.
    3. Students are provided with an adequate means for developing the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to use effectively any technology required for distance education courses.
    4. Students are provided with necessary technical support, during evenings and weekends as well as "regular" operating hours, to resolve hardware and software problems encountered while enrolled in distance education courses.

    Student Services

    The program administrators shall ensure that:

    1. Students are provided with accurate and timely information about the University, its distance education courses and programs, costs, and related policies and requirements.
    2. Students are provided with an adequate means for developing the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to use effectively any technology required for distance education courses.
    3. Students are provided with necessary technical support, during evenings and weekends as well as "regular" operating hours, to resolve hardware and software problems encountered while enrolled in distance education courses.
    4. Students are provided with adequate access to the range of student services including enrollment/registration, academic advising, tutoring, career counseling and placement, personal counseling, and disability services.
    5. Students are provided with an adequate means for resolving student complaints and grievances.
    6. Students are provided with meaningful interaction with faculty who are qualified to teach using distance education methods.

    Technology Support

    Daybreak University makes sure about technology support as follows:

    1. The University assesses each student, prior to admission, in order to determine whether each student has the skills and competencies to succeed in a distance education environment.
    2. The University shall provide adequate support services for the instructor and students participating in distance education courses, including necessary equipment, personnel and training.
    3. The University designates the Academic Dean for technology support regarding the distance education program.
    4. The Academic Dean handles administrative systems, equipment maintenance and general user support.
    5. The Academic Dean also handles faculty support including instructional application and pedagogical issues involving technology.
    6. The Academic Dean shall provide guidance and manuals for student training for the program.
    7. Personal technology support is provided via zoom telephone or email (zoom room and/or Populi in addition)

    Intellectual Property Rights

    Ownership of materials, instructor compensation, and copyright issues shall be agreed upon by the instructor and the University prior to the initial offering of a distance education course. Unless otherwise agreed by the University and the instructor and specified in writing, the University claims the intellectual property rights on the educational contents and materials in the course so that the University can use the intellectual property and its future potential for the University.

    Faculty Duties and Responsibilities

    We have makes sure about faculty duty and responsibility as follows:

    1. A faculty of distance education must participate in distance education orientation. He or she also must participate in regular distance education workshop or seminar to learn to use distance education platform, and be familiar with distance education policy and procedures.
    2. A faculty of distance education must create and submit a syllabus that is feasible for distance education including elements such as title, course description, education objectives, sequence and frequency of lesson or class sessions, length of the class, complete citations of textbook and other required written materials, sequential and detailed outline of subject matter and list of learning outcomes and skills, instructional modes, or methods, etc.
    3. A faculty of distance education must be able to use distance education platform that is adopted by the University.
    4. A faculty of distance education must participate in faculty meeting and share input and feedback to improve the quality of distance education program, teaching effectiveness, and student success.
    5. A faculty of distance education must collaborate with the director of the distance education or the one who is qualified to supervise distance education in conducting distance education class and collaborate the director of institutional research to collect student evaluation of the class.
    6. A faculty of distance education must be able to verify student’s identification in conducting distance education class. A faculty must communicate meaningfully and timely with students in commenting their work or assignment. This can be done through verifying student’s login and password, their regular access to the class through platform and communicating with them through email and message. A faculty must collaborate with the director of distance education to verify their login and password if needed.
    7. A faculty of distance education must verify and ensure that a student participates in distance education orientation and can use online platform to take the class.
    8. A faculty of distance education must design a distance education course that contains meaningful interaction between faculty and student. Meaningful interaction between faculty and students can be stated in the course planner through syllabus reading, textbook reading, lecture note reading, lecture watching, quiz taking, essaying writing and comment, faculty responding to the questions and essay, forum participation, and threaded discussion and giving grading. And meaningful interaction must be appropriate and in timely manner. For instance, when the students submit course assignment or homework, a faculty must comment and respond within 10 business days.
    9. A faculty of distance education must employ threaded discussion between faculty and students and/or among students whereby students and/or faculty can exchange review, research, and opinion through threaded discussion that is available in class, session and assignment. A faculty must create a forum in that students can make comment on the debate and discussion subject that is assigned by the faculty to share their input. Multiple students must be able to respond to each subject and students can share their opinions in threaded manner.
    10. A faculty of distance education must continue to develop and improve distance education capacity and effectiveness by learning to expand knowledge of online technology and subject matter. Such effort must include but is not limited to taking online webinar class, reading of books that are related to online training and teaching guide, and be thoroughly familiar with Populi program manual.
    11. A faculty of distance education must be able to use educational resources and technology that is available to faculty on campus and on-line.
    12. A faculty of distance education must continually monitor student’s progress by evaluating their work, assignment and grade by using scoring rubrics in timely manner.

Distance Education Policy

An institution offering distance education as stated in Federal definitions must have a process to verify that the student who registers for a distance education course is the same student who participates in, completes, and receives credit. Methods to verify the student include but are not limited to a secure login or passcode, proctored examinations, or new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying the identity of the student.

University must notify the student at the time of registration of any additional charges associated with the verification of student identity.

States Authorizing Daybreak University Online Students

This list of states is only applicable for accepting online, hybrid, and distance education students. Please contact the Daybreak University Office of General Counsel for information regarding Distance Education, clinical practicums, or fieldwork in states other than California.

State laws across the nation require universities to be authorized to legally deliver online education to students residing in states other than the home state of the institution. Daybreak University is in the state of California.

In other words, applicants who reside outside California will only be admitted to online courses or degree programs offered by Daybreak University if the university has secured legal authorization from the applicant’s state of residence.

Daybreak University is actively pursuing state authorization in every state of the nation; however, various state laws and fees might prohibit the university from achieving authorization in particular states. As a prospective student, if you reside in a state not currently on our state authorization list, we suggest contacting your state’s department of education for more information. Please see State Authorization file in Resources for details.

Student Privacy

The Daybreak University is committed to protecting student privacy for students enrolled in all courses. All of the University policies regarding student privacy and information security apply to distance education courses. Faculty teaching distance education courses are expected to uphold these polices and follow these procedures:

  • Teach distance education courses using Populi, the University's learning management system, in order to ensure security of student work and grades.
  • Use the University's secure student management system site to report student grades.
  • Use Populi or the University's email system for all official, confidential communication such as providing feedback on student work, releasing grade information to students, etc.
  • Keep student work, scores or grades confidential. Students in the course should not have access to other students' work or grades.
  • Keep your Populi or email account information secure. Do not share your login information with anyone, give anyone unauthorized access to the Populi course or assign a student the role of instructor or graduate assistant in Populi.
  • Follow the University’s guidelines for sharing student educational record information with other faculty, staff, parents or others outside the University.

※ You can find more information from the IPEDS Website.

※ Hybrid/Blended Education Notification Form :

Hybrid Blended Education Notification Form

※ Distance Education Form :

Distance Education Form

Distance Education Form 2023


  • State Authorization
  • Course Evaluation
  • Faculty Evaluation
  • Annual Survey for Core and Adjunct Faculty
  • Annual Survey for Program Clinical Supervisors
  • Annual Survey Aggregated Data
  • Texas State Regulations and Complaints Procedures
  • Distance Education MFT Program
  • Annual Survey for MA Alumni
  • Annual Survey for Ph.D. Alumni
  • Annual Survey for MA Students
  • Annual Survey for Ph.D. Students
  • Student Complaints and Process Procedures
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